Saturday, January 3, 2009

Finally Home!

This will be the last post for travelingthefareast! Thanks to all who followed our adventures for this long, what had intended to be 12 months so easily turned to 15 and we couldn’t be happier with the travels we’ve had. The end of our trip was amazing. I have individual posts on Nepal and Egypt below, forgive me for being late with them. We are now back home in San Francisco, after spending a great holiday with our families. We had an apartment waiting for us in our old building, easing the stress of finding an apartment in the city. We are busy seeing friends and eating foods that we’ve missed. People ask if it’s strange to be home and if we were ready to come back. We definitely have a bit of culture shock and miss traveling but it’s nice to be “home” and unpacked for a while. It seems appropriate that we ended the trip as we started, in an empty apartment, our hopes and dreams for future events at their peak and drinking wine out of plastic cups.