Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Bangers and Mashed

Cheerio! We've spent a great day in London seeing the sites and finished off the day in a pub. Nothing too crazy aside from Matt trying to hold some officer's semi...... automatic rifle. We are both completely exhausted and ready to get to India.


Holly Greenfield said...

How exciting! Have safe and wonderful trip. I look forward to seeing the photos.

Aunt Sue said...

I am thrilled for you guys. Please be safe and know we are all thinking of you, most of all....HAVE FUN!!!

Aunt Lea said...

Looks like you are definitely have the time of your lives. Have fun..ENJOY...Have a safe and wonderful trip. Be sure to let me know when you are back home and the welcome home party as I would love to see all of your memories you bring back with you in the photos. Please be careful and safe and know we all here at home think of you. Take care and love you.