Monday, October 8, 2007

Relaxing in Jaisalmer

Jaisalmer has been great so far, we both really love this city. We’re staying here for 7 nights so we’ve had time to relax, read and just enjoy the surroundings. The people here are so friendly and the Artist’s Colony is amazing.

Everyone lives around the hotel in small huts and earnings from the hotel support the artists around it. During the day we wander around the fort and the markets and at night we relax on the roof-deck overlooking the Jaisalmer fort listening to traditional Muslim music performers under the stars. This area in itself is magical and the food, probably some of the best I’ve had. We’ve both been sticking to a vegetarian diet but ended up giving in for some spaghetti bolognese last night (goat meat), I’ve never had goat but I highly recommend it! The best thing about the meals? Dinner for two always under $10, but usually under $5… I’m attaching a picture of the view from our roof-deck and the view from our room window (there was a bull wandering around this am). I’m also including a picture of the street scene.


Holly Greenfield said...

Sounds like you're have a great time. I love the pictures!

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